January 20th, 2024

My phone's more fucked right now than unfucked, which isn't great. Apparently the most likely culprit is just a loose ribbon cable, so it's at least not likely a huge deal. I am gonna have to bring it in somewhere to get fixed though, because actually doing maintainence on a Note 20 looks like hell and I don't have anything close to a proper kit for it.

I've played a little bit of Half Life 2 today. I honestly wanna play some New Vegas but it just feels daunting for some reason, gonna try to play some after I write this. HL2 is good but it's weirdly worse than HL1 in some minor ways, mainly ladders and swimming. Ladders work fine in Goldsource but feel completely borked in the early Source engine, and with swimming you just sink like a fucking rock in HL2 while it felt really natural in HL1. Neither of these are a huge deal but they are both weird. I'm only up to Water Hazard but HL1 might honestly be slightly better?